Outdoor Area Under 2s
Our outdoor area for our under two’s is perfect for those who are still a little wobbly on their feet. It has soft padded flooring ideal for our little ones to explore the tunnels and play houses. We have a variety of age appropriate toys and equipment within this area including sea saws, slide, walkers, large building bricks, balls and sensory trays. Our little ones also have access to our extensive garden area so they can run and explore the natural world.
Our areas are then enhanced daily to suit the learning and development needs of our children’s interests.
For our babies we have two six seat prams known to us as our “walking Buses” which allows staff to take the little ones out for a walk.
Outdoor Play Area Over 2s
Children have the freedom to explore and enjoy nature hunts and treasure trails in our lovely garden area. We identify opportunities for learning from children’s observations and proactively look to see how we can use our extensive outside facilities to assist their development.
We have a wide range of climbing frames, swings, play houses, water and trays and a construction builders area for the children to explore. There is also a large pirate ship for our children to use for their next adventure. A rest area is available where the children can sit and enjoy stories under the shaded area of the trees.
Our concrete area makes way for our play road where children enjoy cars, bikes, trikes and balance bikes. Children zoom around learning to weave in and out of obstacles whilst keeping themselves and friends safe. This helps children learn the green cross code and the importance of crossing the road safely and looking for traffic. Complete with cones, petrol pumps and road signs this is a popular area of our outdoor learning.
Our large gardening area helps teach the children about the changing seasons along with living and growing things. The children love to plant bulbs, a wide range of flowers and seeds. They enjoy picking fruit and vegetables which we then use in our baking activities.
The sensory benefits from our garden area is something we are very proud of. We love the lavender and the textures of the different plants which create a wonderful relaxing area.